Faefell is much like our world. There, fields of grazing deer give way to forests of huddled, moss-cloaked trees.

Moss-cloaked trees wander up hills, which crest so gently into mountains one may miss the transition until they taste

the mist of low-hanging clouds on their tongue and feel the cool kiss of speckled stone on their heels. Creatures of all

manor shelter in this strange land. Otters seek out cool creeks shrouded in the shadows of spiny branches. For hours

each day they weave playfully through the complicated paths set by submerged stones. Bears, drunk on honey, saunter

upstream, pawing at flashes of shimmering fish scale in quick-moving water. Alongside moving water, bright-winged

birds and squirrels collect twigs, shed fur, and straw. Together they carry their finds to high, mossy branches, where

they artfully arrange them into soft, sturdy shelters.

Faefell is much like our world, only the moon is always full in the late hours of the day, drizzling light below which

shines bright and blue where it hits. In daylight, a subtle haze descends upon each forest, stream, and creature.

There is one clue you can not miss which marks one’s passage from one world to the next. Humans who travel here

rarely remain as they were, for they are often lost and seeking solace among kin. Once they find where they belong -

whether that be in the treetops with lounging bearcats or leaping through the grass with kittens at their heels - they

begin to change. Their spirit, now known and harbored by animal familiars, branches out from within, and their bodies,

like wildflowers, bloom. They become more like the creatures they’ve found kinship with. A girl taken to deer may

sprout the bright speckles of fawns, or the strong, twisting antlers of bucks. Or perhaps, someone lost and found by a

clan of housecats may, in time, find whiskers tickling their face, a tail which trails them as they spring and pounce
through fields of clover.

How does one find Faefell? You need only to have a heavy heart. Listen to it, and it will guide you to a moss-covered

floor shadowed in tall branches. There, you will lay, and stare at the sky. You will imagine the tumbling streams,

piercing mountain tops, and tree-spun trails of this land you seek. You will ask it, earnestly, to take you home. Slowly,

you will feel: your chest warming and loosening. You will see bright, twisting vines slowly climb from the center of you

and seek the ground below, where they will take root. And then you will sleep, and then you will wake, in Faefell.